Sunday, September 20, 2009

Digital Site Analysis

Lisa and I spent the majority of the weekend messing around with our Digital Site Analysis. It seems that the software had trouble reading the shadows as solids once more buildings were including in the analysis. Both of us spent hours upon hours redoing things and trying out other methods. Eventually, we just decided to scrap the solids and make the shadows surfaces. We figured that if anyone discovered the miracle cure, that we could transform our surfaces into solids later on.

Once we were done constructing the shadows, we put together a revised sun chart with our Photoshopped screen shots. We chose to focus on June 21 and Dec 21, between 8am and 4pm (approximate school hours). By using the two solstices, or extremes, you can imagine the shadows which occur during the middle months. Doing this shadow analysis gave us an idea of the light conditions on our site throughout the whole year. We're going to have to figure out a way to get light into our school in the winter months when the shadows seem to take over the site.

(Our site analysis chart)

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